It worked. What - you might ask? Well, I've been eying up the swing lid bin in the kitchen for a few days now, and I made my move while They were clearing up after breakfast. I waited until They weren't looking and jumped up onto the bin. The top opened up, and I ended up inside. She screamed; He swore; I just looked up and gave a lovely smile when They took the lid off.
How was I to know that I'd landed on the dirty laundry?
At this point, I'd like to warn others of you out there. She might not be representative of all humans, but beware - Her reaction was swift and sure. He was dispatched out in the van to town; She grabbed me and carted me off to the BATH. I hate that word at the best of times, but to have it foisted on me without any warning is just not on. No chance of an appeal. She was determined, and I ended up cold and wet. I just can't work out what I did wrong.
Even worse though was that by tonight, the bin had been replaced by one with a flat lid that even I can't get off, so my plans for a re-run in the morning using advanced tactics have all gone out of the window. Can anybody out there give me advise?
All my love
Monday, 3 March 2008
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Have you missed me?
Have had very strong words with Them today. What's the point of me having a blog if They don't get home in time to let me have time on His computer? His answer was that He is trying to get a new job, and that when He does, he hopes He will have a big enough salary to buy me my own PC. And He thinks that I'm stupid enough to believe that I can write this on my own. After all I am a cat, with four paws and a very short attention span!
Today was Mothering Sunday - She got a card from me - even with my own paw print on it. Isn't that just sweet! As for expecting me to do anything special today, like He was trying to persuade me to do......... Best I could come up with was to wake Her up at 0540, and then again at 0700, and 0800 - all on a Sunday morning!
Anyway, I'm back on this blog, so please leave your comments
All my love
Today was Mothering Sunday - She got a card from me - even with my own paw print on it. Isn't that just sweet! As for expecting me to do anything special today, like He was trying to persuade me to do......... Best I could come up with was to wake Her up at 0540, and then again at 0700, and 0800 - all on a Sunday morning!
Anyway, I'm back on this blog, so please leave your comments
All my love
Saturday, 23 February 2008
It's Saturday, but I wasn't to know that They were not working today when I tried to wake them up at 0535. I couldn't possibly repeat what He said to me at that moment - I've had far too sheltered a life for that!
I mentioned my human 'sister' Katie the other day. In the same way, She refers to her son Lee as my 'brother'. I've only met him a couple of times, and he seems very nice, even though he can only talk in computer language (his job is in IT). Anyway, he is going on holiday to somewhere in the sun tomorrow - I only wish I was going too. Even though They have lit the fire again today, it's still too cold for me. I wonder if Lee could bring some sunshine back in his suitcase for me?
Lots of love
I mentioned my human 'sister' Katie the other day. In the same way, She refers to her son Lee as my 'brother'. I've only met him a couple of times, and he seems very nice, even though he can only talk in computer language (his job is in IT). Anyway, he is going on holiday to somewhere in the sun tomorrow - I only wish I was going too. Even though They have lit the fire again today, it's still too cold for me. I wonder if Lee could bring some sunshine back in his suitcase for me?
Lots of love
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Hi Everybody
Sorry I have not been around much this week. They have said it's because they have had a lot of work to do and have been too tired when They have got home. I am not interested. This is MY blog, and I should be able to blog as and when I want to, and not just at their fancy. I must admit that I did mess up when setting the blog up in the first place as it asked my age. Being truthful, I said '8', but then the naughty men at said I had to be at least 13 to have a blog of my own!
I mentioned the other day that She had bought me a new comb. I have to admit that just for once, She has bought something worthwhile as it really is making a difference to my coat. I think I've lost lots of weight in the past week if the amount of fur coming out of me is anything to go by! The downside of course is that last night was -5 degrees outside, and I could have done with my extra fur. I had to resort to sleeping in Their bed last night as it was very cold once the fire had died out. Hopefully, all you cats reading this blog will know how to make maximum impact when choosing to sleeping in a human bed when the humans are asleep......
I waited until about 4 a.m., then just jumped up onto His chest whilst he was asleep. He tried to put me back on the floor, so I just jumped back on his chest. He tried again; I did the same again. Finally, he got the message that I was not going to go away, and He blearily lifted the duvet. That was all I needed - dived straight to the bottom of the bed and tangled myself around His legs. Success. He was so tired that he went back to sleep, and I got to stay in the warm for the next couple of hours.
Still waiting for some of you cats (or humans) to comment on my blogs. Love to know that you are out there, and would love to make friends with you.
Lots of Love
Sorry I have not been around much this week. They have said it's because they have had a lot of work to do and have been too tired when They have got home. I am not interested. This is MY blog, and I should be able to blog as and when I want to, and not just at their fancy. I must admit that I did mess up when setting the blog up in the first place as it asked my age. Being truthful, I said '8', but then the naughty men at said I had to be at least 13 to have a blog of my own!
I mentioned the other day that She had bought me a new comb. I have to admit that just for once, She has bought something worthwhile as it really is making a difference to my coat. I think I've lost lots of weight in the past week if the amount of fur coming out of me is anything to go by! The downside of course is that last night was -5 degrees outside, and I could have done with my extra fur. I had to resort to sleeping in Their bed last night as it was very cold once the fire had died out. Hopefully, all you cats reading this blog will know how to make maximum impact when choosing to sleeping in a human bed when the humans are asleep......
I waited until about 4 a.m., then just jumped up onto His chest whilst he was asleep. He tried to put me back on the floor, so I just jumped back on his chest. He tried again; I did the same again. Finally, he got the message that I was not going to go away, and He blearily lifted the duvet. That was all I needed - dived straight to the bottom of the bed and tangled myself around His legs. Success. He was so tired that he went back to sleep, and I got to stay in the warm for the next couple of hours.
Still waiting for some of you cats (or humans) to comment on my blogs. Love to know that you are out there, and would love to make friends with you.
Lots of Love
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Missing You
Sorry I have not blogged for a few days - They have been working too hard again, and coming home late. He insists on checking His emails etc then switches the PC off saying He is too tired to concentrate! What about ME? What about my blog? What about my fans out there?
I am having a heart to heart with Her in the morning, and things will be changing. I hope to be able to write a proper blog tomorrow night
Lots of Love
I am having a heart to heart with Her in the morning, and things will be changing. I hope to be able to write a proper blog tomorrow night
Lots of Love
Sunday, 10 February 2008

These are a couple of pics of me, as asked for by the nice kind lady who wished me a happy birthday the other day! As you can see, I am beautiful!!
Just to show that I'm not just pushing my own ego, I also have a picture of Molly in Jersey - she is my sister's cat and is something called a British Blue. Katie (my 'sister' -see yesterday's post) has bought one of those Furminators that my Mum used on me yesterday. Whilst my fur is easy to go through, Molly's is going to be a different matter. If you are reading this Molly, please email me or comment to the blog - I need to WARN YOU!.

Will tell you all about this new comb thing tomorrow when I have had a big sleep.
Lots of love
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Hi to all my feline and human friends. Sorry I've been absent for a couple of days, but They have both been getting home late and have not had time to help me write this blog. One day, I'll be clever enough to write it on my own!
She got very excited when the postman came this morning. She had been sent a parcel addressed to my 'sister' (in real life Katie is Her daughter, and She thinks that I'm not clever enough to understand that a human can not be my real sister, but it's easier to just humour her) My 'sister' had ordered something for me for my birthday. I even got to the point of being interested - I had visions of toys, or a new sleeping house, or even I launched into my 'walk between her legs' routine as She was opening the present.
What a let down. What a liberty. What did I get?...... a new comb to be brushed with.
She said it was the latest model on the market and that it was going to revolutionise my grooming. I tried to run away, but He intervened (why does He suddenly appear when He is least wanted?) and caught me.
So I had to put up with this new comb going through my fur. OK - it does seem to get rid of a lot more of it than the old comb, but I'm left wondering if all that excess fur was there for a reason? I couldn't wait for Them to light the fire tonight - I hope I don't get hypothermia once the fire goes out when They are asleep. Problem is that She has used that horrible noisy machine called Hoover to get rid of my fur, so I can't have it back even if I wanted to.
If I don't write again within the next few days, assume that the lack of fur has got to me, and I'm having to have heat transfusions etc etc........
Finally, He has said that He will get more pics of me and my friend Molly (my 'sister's' cat) on here tomorrow. He hopes to do this at half-time in the football match!
Lots of love
She got very excited when the postman came this morning. She had been sent a parcel addressed to my 'sister' (in real life Katie is Her daughter, and She thinks that I'm not clever enough to understand that a human can not be my real sister, but it's easier to just humour her) My 'sister' had ordered something for me for my birthday. I even got to the point of being interested - I had visions of toys, or a new sleeping house, or even I launched into my 'walk between her legs' routine as She was opening the present.
What a let down. What a liberty. What did I get?...... a new comb to be brushed with.
She said it was the latest model on the market and that it was going to revolutionise my grooming. I tried to run away, but He intervened (why does He suddenly appear when He is least wanted?) and caught me.
So I had to put up with this new comb going through my fur. OK - it does seem to get rid of a lot more of it than the old comb, but I'm left wondering if all that excess fur was there for a reason? I couldn't wait for Them to light the fire tonight - I hope I don't get hypothermia once the fire goes out when They are asleep. Problem is that She has used that horrible noisy machine called Hoover to get rid of my fur, so I can't have it back even if I wanted to.
If I don't write again within the next few days, assume that the lack of fur has got to me, and I'm having to have heat transfusions etc etc........
Finally, He has said that He will get more pics of me and my friend Molly (my 'sister's' cat) on here tomorrow. He hopes to do this at half-time in the football match!
Lots of love
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Two Stupid Birds
As you know, I am an indoor cat, and in between my compulsory 18 hours sleep per day, I have to find things to do around the house.
Luckily, They got fed up with living in town a couple of years ago, and we moved out into our house in the country. We have a medium size back garden, and He likes to put out lots of food for the local birdlife. They don't pass on a free meal, so the garden gets invaded with birds all day long. Now, imagine if you can, a cat with loads of birds to catch within a couple of metres of each other, and a bloody great window in between. If you are an indoor cat, you can sympathize; if you are an outdoor cat reading this blog, please try hard not to laugh, or to pass judgement on us!
Anyway, most of the birds who come here, stay for a few moments - gorging themselves with food - then fly off. But we have two red partridges who come down twice a day. Every day. They rarely fly, prefering to walk in under the fence. They stay for up to an hour, then walk off again. They stay together like a Darby & Jones, and often come up to the patio door to say hello to me. I know they are birds, but they are quite cute really, and I'd actually miss them if they didn't come and see me.
I'm expecting those of you who belong to the 'cats and birds are enemies' brigade to make suitable replies to this blog.
I will tell Her to take a picture of the Partridges for this blog.
Lots of Love
Luckily, They got fed up with living in town a couple of years ago, and we moved out into our house in the country. We have a medium size back garden, and He likes to put out lots of food for the local birdlife. They don't pass on a free meal, so the garden gets invaded with birds all day long. Now, imagine if you can, a cat with loads of birds to catch within a couple of metres of each other, and a bloody great window in between. If you are an indoor cat, you can sympathize; if you are an outdoor cat reading this blog, please try hard not to laugh, or to pass judgement on us!
Anyway, most of the birds who come here, stay for a few moments - gorging themselves with food - then fly off. But we have two red partridges who come down twice a day. Every day. They rarely fly, prefering to walk in under the fence. They stay for up to an hour, then walk off again. They stay together like a Darby & Jones, and often come up to the patio door to say hello to me. I know they are birds, but they are quite cute really, and I'd actually miss them if they didn't come and see me.
I'm expecting those of you who belong to the 'cats and birds are enemies' brigade to make suitable replies to this blog.
I will tell Her to take a picture of the Partridges for this blog.
Lots of Love
First of all, many thanks to the lovely lady who wished me happy birthday! I made sure that my humans knew that someone else cared!!
When They (finally) came home from work last night, He asked me to show some sympathy because He'd ripped part of his fingernail from its bed, and it had bled a lot, and was hurting. Since when did cats do sympathy? I certainly don't include it in my repertoire! Even Her and Him couldn't agree, so why should I take any sides? She was saying it was his own fault and it wasn't half as life-threatening as he was making out. I had no intention of being stuck in the middle, and definately do NOT do sympathy. So, I did the next best thing, and went into my 'zoom around the room at high speed' routine to distract them. They still don't realise that I can do this trick as and when I feel like it - They think it's associated with me having been to my litter tray. So the distraction worked, and She ran off to check my litter tray etc.
Quite fun being a cat isn't it!
Lots of love for now - please don't forget to tell me about yourself if you are a cat if you post a comment to this blog
When They (finally) came home from work last night, He asked me to show some sympathy because He'd ripped part of his fingernail from its bed, and it had bled a lot, and was hurting. Since when did cats do sympathy? I certainly don't include it in my repertoire! Even Her and Him couldn't agree, so why should I take any sides? She was saying it was his own fault and it wasn't half as life-threatening as he was making out. I had no intention of being stuck in the middle, and definately do NOT do sympathy. So, I did the next best thing, and went into my 'zoom around the room at high speed' routine to distract them. They still don't realise that I can do this trick as and when I feel like it - They think it's associated with me having been to my litter tray. So the distraction worked, and She ran off to check my litter tray etc.
Quite fun being a cat isn't it!
Lots of love for now - please don't forget to tell me about yourself if you are a cat if you post a comment to this blog
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Birthday Girl
Did I get a present - no. Did I even get a card - no. All I got from them was a dish of wet food instead of my usual boring dried stuff. She said it was a treat for my birthday, but I know that they have been talking about my problems with sh...ting lately, and I'm clever enough to know that She scattered some poison stuff on the wet food. The packet from the vet (sorry guys for mentioning the 'v' word) said that it was full of fibre and good for me, but They think I'm stupid.
Thought I'd play along with Them, so had a little bit of the wet food, then reverted to the dried stuff. This threw Them. They know I find the dried stuff boring, and when I get the occasional wet food for being good (Their words), I eat it faster than They can put it in my dish. So for me to chose the dried over the wet caused Them to think I was not well and take sympathy on me. Some 8 hours later, we are at a standoff situation. I have not touched the rest of my wet food, and They are getting more anxious by the minute. If only They were not so stupid as to think I could not tell when the wet food had been interfered with!
As They have now paid for something called Adwords, I'm told that cats from all over the world can read about me through this blog. So, PLEASE, let me know who you are, and a bit about your life. I haven't got many friends as I'm an indoor cat, so I'd love to have fellow bloggers on my list.
She told me off last night for saying "love, Tia" at the end of my blog, so........
Lots of Love
Thought I'd play along with Them, so had a little bit of the wet food, then reverted to the dried stuff. This threw Them. They know I find the dried stuff boring, and when I get the occasional wet food for being good (Their words), I eat it faster than They can put it in my dish. So for me to chose the dried over the wet caused Them to think I was not well and take sympathy on me. Some 8 hours later, we are at a standoff situation. I have not touched the rest of my wet food, and They are getting more anxious by the minute. If only They were not so stupid as to think I could not tell when the wet food had been interfered with!
As They have now paid for something called Adwords, I'm told that cats from all over the world can read about me through this blog. So, PLEASE, let me know who you are, and a bit about your life. I haven't got many friends as I'm an indoor cat, so I'd love to have fellow bloggers on my list.
She told me off last night for saying "love, Tia" at the end of my blog, so........
Lots of Love
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Getting Old
My Mum and Dad have been very busy the last few days, and have come home very late each night. I knew just how late it was two nights ago cos' they went straight to bed after their shower and played with me in the bedroom and not the lounge! The downside to them working late is they are not home to switch on my pc to allow me to blog.
Tomorrow is my birthday - hurrah!!!! I've tried hard to prompt them to buy me lots of new furry mice etc to play with, so I cam only but hope. I'm going to be 8 tomorrow, but I'm still a kitten at heart, and I resent anybody even thinking that I am getting old.
Will update tomorrow as to how my birthday is going
Tomorrow is my birthday - hurrah!!!! I've tried hard to prompt them to buy me lots of new furry mice etc to play with, so I cam only but hope. I'm going to be 8 tomorrow, but I'm still a kitten at heart, and I resent anybody even thinking that I am getting old.
Will update tomorrow as to how my birthday is going
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Nearly ready to start properly
My profile is complete, and I'm looking through all the lovely pics that Mum has taken of me tp chose the best one for this blog.
It's also late , and my dad wants to switch off the pc, so my first proper entry will have to wait until tomorrow.
Love to everyone
It's also late , and my dad wants to switch off the pc, so my first proper entry will have to wait until tomorrow.
Love to everyone
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
This is my first ever blog. Please forgive me if I'm a little slow at grasping how this all works!
I am a cat. Simple and straightforward - I am a cat, any wd therefore, by definition, I am the most important person in my household, and the only one worthy of having a blog.
My profile will be complete later today so you will have an idea who and what I am, but in a nutshell, I am an 8 year old (well 8 next Sunday) Lilac-Point Burmese, living with my mum and dad in the country near Swindon in Wiltshire, England. Over the next few blogs, I will tell you about the things that happen in my life, with some of the (weird) things that my mum and dad get up to.
As an indoor cat, I have to do with watching the world go by outside house, but there is plenty to see, especially in the garden.
I have lots of toys scattered around the house, and lots of places to sleep. Mum and Dad know how important my comfort and wellbeing is, so they make sure I have everything I need (they don't agree with this statement btw!). Once I have posted a few blogs, I hope that you will be able to write comments back to me. If you are a human, please get your cat's approval before adding a comment.
That's all for now - I'm going to set up my profile now, and get my Mum to find a good picture of me to add.
Thanks for reading my blog so far
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